Cardi B gave fans an eyeful when she shared a video of her laser hair removal procedure on Friday. The “Bodak Yellow” hitmaker took to her Instagram Stories to post the hilarious and NSFW clip of her lying naked in a room at the Rich Bich Clinic in New York City. “It’s time to laser my whole body because baby, I told y’all, I’m a hairy bitch,” the 30-year-old rapper exclaimed, as seen here. “But I keep it under control.”
Even though she added, “I’m so scared,” Cardi B went ahead with the procedure anyway, as she said she can get dark “down there” and “up here,” referring to her bikini line and underarms. In another NSFW move, the Grammy winner stated, “We trying to keep that booty hole brown only, you know what I’m saying? Sometimes it can get a little dark up close.” Cardi then told the professionals that she was “ready” and started laughing as they zapped away!
While Cardi has been busy cleaning up her act, so has her husband Offset. In a new interview, he said his relationship with Cardi made him come off his codeine habit. “I put down ‘lean,’” he said, referring to the cough syrup mixture. “I was drinking my whole career. It opened my mind up, but I never thought it helped me create. I feel like getting past that, cleaning up and putting that message out.”
“We both are on the same mission to make each other better,” he added of the power couple. “Social is her strong point, so I listen to her social advice. And me, it’s the music, but I play behind the scenes; it’s my wife so I want to make sure she win. We are a great team.”
The adorable couple got secretly married on Sept. 20, 2017. In July 2018, they welcomed their first child, daughter Kulture. Although Cardi filed for divorce nearly two years later, on Sept. 15, 2020, they made it work and welcomed their second child, son Wave, on Sept. 4, 2021.